
privacy policy

BM Office Furniture Personal Information Processing Policy

In accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. establishes and discloses personal information processing guidelines as follows to protect the personal information of the information subject (customer) and to handle related grievances quickly and smoothly

1. Purpose of Processing Personal Information BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. processes personal information for the following purposes and does not use it for purposes other than the following purposes

– Confirmation of the intention to join the customer, identification and certification of the customer based on the provision of services, maintenance and management of membership, payment of the amount due to the supply of goods or services, supply and delivery of goods or services, etc

2. Processing and retention period of personal information

① When collecting personal information from the information subject, BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. processes and holds personal information within the agreed personal information retention and use period or the personal information retention and use period according to laws and regulations

② Specific personal information processing and retention periods are as follows

– Customer subscription and management: Until the termination of a service use contract or membership subscription; provided, however, that if a bond or debt relationship remains, until the settlement of the relevant bond or debt relationship

– Record of supply of contracts, subscription withdrawal, payment, goods, etc. in e-commerce: 1 year

3. Providing personal information to third parties B.O.P. Furniture Co., Ltd. does not provide personal information to third parties except for cases falling under Article 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as separate consent from the data subject and special provisions of the law

4. Entrustment of personal information processing

① BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. entrusts personal information processing to the outside world for smooth personal information processing

– A/S Center Operations

․Consignee (Consignee): BM Office Furniture (A/S Manager)

․Contents of entrusted work: A/S of products to customers

② According to Article 25 of the Personal Information Protection Act, BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. specifies matters concerning the prohibition of personal information processing, re-entrustment restriction, management and supervision of the trustee, and supervises whether the trustee handles personal information safely

5. The rights and obligations of the information subject and legal representative, and the exercise method Information subject may exercise the following personal information protection-related rights at any time for BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd.

1. Request for access to personal information

2. Request for correction if there is an error in personal information, etc

3. Delete request

4. Processing stop request

6. Processing Personal Information Item B Office Furniture Co., Ltd. is processing the following personal information items

– Name, date of birth, address, phone number, mobile number, gender, email address

– You don't carry on its Web site is about the payment details

7. destruction of personal information

① BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. destroys personal information without delay when personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the lapse of the personal information retention period (up to one year) or the achievement of the purpose of processing

② BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. destroys personal information in the following ways:

– Electronic files: File deletion and disk storage media format

– Handwritten document: Crushed or incinerated

8. Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. is taking the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information

– Management measures: Establishment and implementation of internal management plans, regular training for employees, employees, etc

– Technical measures: Management of access rights, such as setting passwords of personal information processing systems (or computers containing personal information), installation of security programs such as vaccine software, and encryption of files containing personal information

– Physical measures: Si-gun, access control, etc. of places where personal information is stored and stored

9. Matters concerning the installation, operation, and rejection of automatic personal information collection devices;

① BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. uses cookies that store usage information and recall it from time to time to provide customized services to users

② Cookies are a small amount of information that the server (http) used to run the website sends to the user's computer browser and is also stored on the hard disk in the user's PC computer

A. Purpose of using cookies: It is used to provide optimized information to users by identifying the types of visits and usage of each service and website visited by users, popular search terms, security access, etc

B. Installation, operation, and rejection of cookies: You can refuse to save cookies through the option settings in the Tools > Internet Options > Personal Information menu at the top of the web browser

C. Refusing to save cookies may make it difficult to use customized services

10. BM Office Furniture Co., Ltd. is in charge of personal information processing and designates a person in charge of personal information protection as follows to handle complaints and damage relief from information subjects related to personal information processing

▶ Person in charge of personal information protection (business owner or representative)

Name : 이승철 Position : CEO

Tel,Email : 031.944.7534, bmfecole@hanmail.net

11. Changes in the personal information processing policy This personal information processing policy will be applied from August 20, 2022